Belgian Shepherd Dog



Judges List

It would be greatly appreciated if Judges could ensure that the Judges List Co-Ordinator is made aware of any changes to their contact details.

Information will be routinely "weeded" for Data Protection Purposes if it is out-of-date. Where an email address or telephone number has been provided we will on occasion attempt to correspond with Judges. If no email contact can be established and the telephone numbers provided are no longer in use, the respective Judge will be suspended from the lists until we hear further from them. We will not correspond by post to the Judges.

These arrangements are also important to ensure that Show Secretaries who are emailing or telephoning Judges from the lists we provide are working from current information.

The Kennel Club have revised their guidance about the changes to the new Judges Training Programme. The original term "Judges Competency Framework" or JCF will now be called the "Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows)". Further information may be obtained from the Kennel Club website.

This new programme will replace the existing Breed Club Judges Criteria of C, B, A3 and A1 with a new set of criteria, viz Level 1, 2, 3 and 4.

For more information regarding current judging criteria and lists please contact:

Judging seminars

Judging seminars are usually held bi-annually and are a great opportunity to learn about the breed whether you already judge, would like to become a judge, or just want to find out more. Members and non-members welcome.



Malinois and kitten
Photograph courtesy of
Marianne Brett

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The Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club ©