Best in Show Judge: Mrs Jacky MacAndie
Best in Show: McClaren, A, Ch Corsini Chanel
Reserve Best in Show: Lloyd, Mr P & Mrs D, Ghiana D'Eroudur At Belsharose
Best Opposite Sex in Show: Knight, Mr & Mrs G & D, Ebontide Parisian Knight At Noirdael
Best Puppy in Show: Bond & McCarthy, Chatmar Fire N Ice
Best Veteran in Show: Wilson & Malinowski, Mesdames, Ch Ebontide Nexus For Lykos JW

Judge: Mrs Barbara Simpson
Best of Breed: Knight, Mr G & Mrs D, Ebontide Parisian Knight at Noirdael
Reserve Best of Breed: Munro, Mr C & Mrs J, Ch Ebontide Silhouette Of Groeneveld
Best Puppy in Breed: Winfrow & Hodkinson, Delark African Queen
Best Veteran in Breed: Wilson & Malinowski, Ch Ebontide Nexus for Lykos JW ShCM
Groenendael Dogs
Dog CC: Knight, Mr G & Mrs D, Ebontide Parisian Knight at Noirdael
Reserve Dog CC: Wilson & Malinowski, Mesdames, Ch Ebontide Nexus For Lykos JW
Best Puppy Dog: Lawless, Mrs P, Mrs J & Miss K, Revloch Zidane
Best Veteran Dog: Wilson & Malinowski, Mesdames, Ch Ebontide Nexus For Lykos JW
Minor Puppy Dog (2 entries, 1 absent)
- Malinowski, Herson & Grove, Ebontide Ulric
Puppy Dog ( 3 entries)
- Lawless, Mrs P, Mrs J & Miss K, Revloch Zidane
- Kennedy, Ms J E, Blossomdale Arthur
- Glenton, Mrs M, Baudwin Welsh Warlord
Junior Dog (1 entry)
- Sargent, Mr N & Mrs J, Belsharose Davy Jones
Yearling Dog (3 entries)
- Flavell, Mrs R, Xanova Storm Walker
- Streater, Mrs J, Xanova Wolf Walker
- Winfrow & Barker, Delark The Reining King
Post Graduate Dog (1 entry, absent)
Limit Dog (5 entries, 2 absent)
- Howarth, Mrs E C, Yzmir Du Chemin Des Sorcieres Avec Chimay (Imp Hun)
- Stavely & Winfrow, Aramis De Bruine Buck (Imp)
- Westley & Grevett, Becanbrie Rohan At Linvetts
Open Dog (5 entries, 1 absent)
- Knight, Mr G & Mrs D, Ebontide Parisian Knight at Noirdael
- Stavely & Winfrow, Delark Terms Of Enderment At Belkaton
- Muirhead, Mr L, Jetaime Etoile Du Futur
- Davies & Morris, Xanova Dans Le Noir avec Ambrajai
Veteran Dog (4 entries, 1 absent)
- Wilson & Malinowski, Ch Ebontide Nexus for Lykos JW ShCM
- Bird & Caden, Ch Tanje Feels Like Heaven JW ScCM
- Wilcox, Penniston-Fleming & Morrison, Xurits Diezel of Ailort (Imp Swe)
Groenendael Bitches
Bitch CC: Munro, Mr C & Mrs J, Ch Ebontide Silhouette Of Groeneveld
Reserve Bitch CC: Lawless, Mr P Mrs J & Miss K, Ir/Lux Ch Revloch X Factor
Best Puppy Bitch: Winfrow & Hodkinson, Delark African Queen
Best Veteran Bitch: Biddlecombe, Miss J, Tanje Back Street Love
Minor Puppy Bitch (1 entry, absent)
Puppy Bitch (3 entries)
- Winfrow & Hodkinson, Delark African Queen
- Lindsay & Glenton, Baudwin Welsh Whisper With Fablehawk
- Deakin, Mrs S M, Baudwin Welsh Whirlwind
Junior Bitch (3 entries)
- Lloyd, Mr P & Mrs D, Belsharose Calipso
- McNamara, Mrs L, Kehala Iced Tea (AI)
- Wheeler, Mrs Y L, Gron-De-Mon Archangel
Yearling Bitch (2 entries, 2 absent)
Post Graduate Bitch (5 entries, 2 absent)
- Winfrow, Mr A & Mrs C, Bonvivant Uniquely Delark
- Staveley, Woollands & Winfrow, Delark Invitation Only
- Wilcox, Mrs C, Mr D & Miss L, Ailort Iona's Faith
Limit Bitch (9 entries, 4 absent)
- Green, Mrs E, Ailort Isadora
- Crawford, Mr P & Mrs J, Delark Enchanted
- Isherwood, Mrs C, Chrisvale Night Music
- Wheeler, Mrs Y L, Bijou Du Clos Des Agapornis (Imp)
- Howarth, Mrs E C, Belle Du Chemin Des Sorcieres Avec Chimay (Imp Hun)
Open Bitch (8 entries, 2 absent)
- Munro, Mr C & Mrs J, Ch Ebontide Silhouette Of Groeneveld
- Lawless, Mr P Mrs J & Miss K, Ir/Lux Ch Revloch X Factor
- McNamara, Mrs L, Ch Kehala Storm In A Teacup
- Westley & Grevett, Ch Zellik Black Bonnie At Linvetts
- Millar, Mr J & Mrs I, Ch Ebontide Prelude
Veteran Bitch (5 entries, 1 absent)
- Biddlecombe, Miss J, Tanje Back Street Love
- Wilcox, Mrs C, Charbonny Dance Anthem
- Biddlecombe, Miss J, Tanje Midnight Sensation
- Bird & Caden, Tanje Sensation In Black ShCM
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Judge: Miss Marion McIlherene
Best of Breed: McClaren, A, Ch Corsini Chanel
Reserve Best of Breed: Mc Donald, Ms E, Corsini Virtuoso
Best Puppy in Breed: Bond & McCarthy, Chatmar Fire N Ice
Best Veteran in Breed: Robinson & Goode, Ch/NL Ch Hexen House Guinevere Of Xanove (Imp)
Tervueren Dogs
Dog CC: Mc Donald, Ms E, Corsini Virtuoso
Reserve Dog CC: Burke, Mr J & Mrs M T, Ch Domburg Check Me Out At Tintigny
Best Puppy Dog: Winfrow, Mr A & Mrs C, Delark Love Hurts
Best Veteran Dog: Winfrow & Barker, Delark Talkin Bout You
Minor Puppy Dog (2 entries)
- Winfrow, Mr A & Mrs C, Delark Love Hurts
- Fletcher, Mrs H R, Belpetilon Diablo
Puppy Dog (0 entries)
Junior Dog (2 entries, 1 absent)
Holtey, Mr K & Mrs C, Domburg So What
Yearling Dog (0 entries)
Post Graduate Dog (2 entries)
- Jordan-Davis, Ms S, Norlyght Airgead Liat
- Holtey, Mr K & Mrs C, Kehala Gold Trader
Limit Dog (7 entries, 1 absent)
- Mc Donald, Ms E, Corsini Virtuoso
- Grimes, Mrs H, Kvina's Cruising The Stars To Everquest (Imp)
- Grimes, Mrs H, Excalibur Van Moned To Everquest (Imp)
- Bird & Caden, Domburg J'ai Un Reve
Open Dog (4 entries)
- Burke, Mr J & Mrs M T, Ch Domburg Check Me Out At Tintigny
- Oaten, Beale & McLaren, Corsini Hunter
- Grimes, Spick & Pratten, SR Ch Bergeau Paint With Matisse For Everquest
- Oaten & Beale, Corsini Intuition
Veteran Dog (1 entry)
- Winfrow & Barker, Delark Talkin Bout You
Tervueren Bitches
Bitch CC: McClaren, A, Ch Corsini Chanel
Reserve Bitch CC: Pratten & Cumberland, Galatee Van De Hoge Laer At Bergeau
Best Puppy Bitch: Bond & McCarthy, Chatmar Fire N Ice
Best Veteran Bitch: Robinson & Goode, Ch/NL Ch Hexen House Guinevere Of Xanove (Imp)
Minor Puppy Bitch (2 entries)
- Davies, J, Ambrajai Working On A Dream
- Crawford & Winfrow, Delark Stairway To Heven
Puppy Bitch (1 entry)
- Bond & McCarthy, Chatmar Fire N Ice
Junior Bitch (1 entry)
- Brown & Godfrey, Sezanne Savanna
Yearling Bitch (0 entries)
Post Graduate Bitch (3 entries, 1 absent)
- Lloyd, Mr P & Mrs D, Belsharow Chianti
- Winfrow & Hodkinson, Delark Wicked Witch With Terrgroen
Limit Bitch (8 entries)
- Brown & Godfrey, Sezanne Camarese
- Brown & Godfrey, Sezanne Gucci At Kirstavin
- Bond & McCarthy, Chatmar Extra Factor
- Pratten & Cumberland, Bergeau Paint A Rainbow
Open Bitch (9 entries, 1 absent)
- McClaren, A, Ch Corsini Chanel
- Pratten & Cumberland, Galatee Van De Hoge Laer At Bergeau
- Lawless, Mr P, Mrs J & Miss K, Ir/Lux Ch Revloch Wannabe
- Winfrow, Mr A & Mrs C, Ch Delark Maggie May
Veteran Bitch (4 entries, 1 absent)
- Robinson & Goode, Ch/NL Ch Hexen House Guinevere Of Xanove (Imp)
- Lindsay, Miss A, Fablehawk Dragonlance Mifaria
- Phillips & McClaren, Corsini Touch Of Class From Desertdancer
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Judge: Mrs Barbara Simpson
Best of Breed: Lawless, Mr P & Mrs J, Nor/Dan/Dutch/Lux Ch Revloch O'Baoill
Reserve Best of Breed: Gaffey & Jellicoe, Ch Sabrefield Sequoya
Best Puppy in Breed: Cafferata, Ms S L, Foxbriar Naughty But Nice
Best Veteran in Breed: Lawless, Mr P & Mrs J, Nor/Dan/Dutch/Lux Ch Revloch O'Baoill
Malinois Dogs
Dog CC: Holmes & Lawless, Revloch Yabba Dabba Doo (IKC)
Reserve Dog CC: Ralph, Ms J, Bonvivant Tete A Tete
Best Puppy Dog: Ralph, Ms J, Bonvivant Zippydedoodah
Best Veteran Dog: Hughes, Mr S, Bonvivant C'est Moi Sabrefield CDEX
Puppy Dog (1 entry)
- Ralph, Ms J, Bonvivant Zippydedoodah
Junior Dog (4 entries)
- Holmes & Lawless, Revloch Yabba Dabba Doo (IKC)
- Lloyd, Mr P & Mrs D, Belsharose Nebraska
- Hulbert, Mrs M, Belsharose Colorado
- Jellicoe & Brett, Casyka's Ituha (Imp)
Post Graduate Dog (0 entries)
Limit Dog (2 entries)
- Brett, Mrs M, Goldmali Bohemian Rhapsody
- Walker-Smith, Mrs B M, Bonvivant Saumur
Open Dog (3 entries, 1 absent)
- Ralph, Ms J, Bonvivant Tete A Tete
- Ralph, Ms J, Bonvivant Lumiere
Veteran Dog (3 entries, 1 absent)
- Hughes, Mr S, Bonvivant C'est Moi Sabrefield CDEX
- Ralph & Donovan, Bonvivant Dewet
Malinois Bitches
Bitch CC: Lawless, Mr P & Mrs J, Nor/Dan/Dutch/Lux Ch Revloch O'Baoill
Reserve Bitch CC: Gaffey & Jellicoe, Ch Sabrefield Sequoya
Best Puppy Bitch: Cafferata, Ms S L, Foxbriar Naughty But Nice
Best Veteran Bitch: Lawless, Mr P & Mrs J, Nor/Dan/Dutch/Lux Ch Revloch O'Baoill
Puppy Bitch (3 entries)
- Cafferata, Ms S L, Foxbriar Naughty But Nice
- Davis, Mr T, Jotunheim Alma
Junior Bitch (3 entries, 2 absent)
- Reeves & Lloyd, Belsharose Oaklahoma
Post Graduate Bitch (5 entries, 2 absent)
- Kirk, Miss, L, Bonvivant Sorciere
- Jellicoe, Miss T, Goldmali Could It Be Magic
- Cafferata, Ms S L, Bonvivant Saphir At Foxbriar
Limit Bitch (0 entries)
Open Bitch (5 entries)
- Lawless, Mr P & Mrs J, Nor/Dan/Dutch/Lux Ch Revloch O'Baoill
- Gaffey & Jellicoe, Ch Sabrefield Sequoya
- Brwon, Mrs A, Bonvivant Coup De Foudre Avec Zodantta ShCM
- Ralph, Mrs J, Ch Bonvivant Nochotte
- Cafferata, Ms S L, Foxbriar Joie De Vivre
Veteran Bitch (2 entries)
- Brett, Mrs M, Ch Sabrefield Zimply Zuper
- Davis, Mr T, Sabrefield A Classy Affair With Daelois
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Judge: Mrs Barbara Simpson
Best of Breed: Lloyd, Mr P & Mrs D, Ghiana D'Eroudur At Belsharose
Reserve Best of Breed: Lloyd, Mr P & Mrs D, Haramis D'Eroudur At Belsharose
Open Dog (1 entry)
- Lloyd, Mr P & Mrs D, Haramis D'Eroudur At Belsharose
Open Bitch (2 entries)
- Lloyd, Mr P & Mrs D, Ghiana D'Eroudur At Belsharose
- Hughes, Mr & Mrs, Bonvivant Versace
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Judge: Mr T Johnson
Pre-beginners (2 entries)
- Kennedy, Ms J E, Blossomdale Arthur
- Deakin, Mrs S M, Baudwin Welsh Whirlwind
Beginners (2 entries, 1 absent, 1 withdrawn)
Novice (4 entries, 1 absent, 1 withdrawn)
- Cafferata, Mrs L, Foxbriar Joie De Vivre
- Cafferata, Mrs L, Bonvivant Saphir At Foxbriar
Test A (2 entries, 1 withdrawn)
- Clark, Mr S & Mrs C D, Kehala Sweet Dream
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