Best in Show Judge: Mrs Yvonne Dudds
Best in Show: Burke Mr J & Mrs T, Ch Tintigny Making Mayhem
Reserve Best in Show: Lawless Mr P, Mrs J & Miss K, Revloch Bewitched
Best Opposite Sex in Show: Lawless Mr P, Mrs J & Miss K, Handling For Miss Baradat-Darre, Revloch Breizh Du Phoenix
Best Puppy in Show:Pratten Dr MK, Bergeau Kissed By A Star
Best Veteran in Show: Burke Mr J & Mrs T, Ch Tintigny Making Mayhem

Photograph courtesy of Dave Holmes
Judge: Mr Benoit Thevenon
Best of Breed: Lawless Mr P, Mrs J & Miss K, Revloch Bewitched
Reserve Best of Breed: Robinson & Goode Ms B & Mr T, Xanova Mist Maiden
Best Opposite Sex: Lawless Mr P, Mrs J & Miss K, handling for Ms Baradat-Darre’s, Revloch Breizh Du Phoenix
Best Puppy in Breed: Robinson & Goode Ms B & Mr T, Xanova Mist Maiden
Best Veteran in Breed: Harriman Mrs J, Ch Lebeau Look No Further
Best Breeder In Breed: Lawless
Groenendael Dogs
Dog CC: Lawless Mr P, Mrs J & Miss K, handling for Ms Baradat-Darre’s Revloch Breizh Du Phoenix
Reserve Dog CC: Harriman Mrs J, Ch Lebeau Look No Further
Best Puppy Dog: Knight Mr G & Mrs D, Becanbrie Knight Star At Noirdael
Best Veteran Dog: Harriman Mrs J, Ch Lebeau Look No Further
Minor Puppy Dog (1 entry)
Knight’s Becanbrie Knight Star At Noirdael
Puppy Dog (1 entry)
- Sharp’s Jetaime Shadow D’Alliance
Junior Dog (3 entries)
- Baradat-Darre’s Revloch Breizh Du Phoenix
- Hughes Bonvivant Crème De Cassis
- Rothwell’s Chrisvale Just One Look
Special Yearling Dog (2 entries)
- Ralph’s Bonvivant Cartouche
- Rothwell’s Chrisvale Just One Look
Post Graduate Dog (4 entries, 1 absent)
- Barker & Winfrow’s Delark The Reining King
- Rothwell’s Chrisvale Just One Look
- Sargent’s Belsharose Davy Jones
Limit Dog (5 entries)
- Hall’s Ailort Inspyre
- Staveley & Winfrow’s Aramis De Bruine Buck (Imp)
- Howarth’s Yzmir Du Chemin Sorcieres Avec Chimay (Imp Hun)
- Rothwell’s Chrisvale Just One Look
- Ford’s Vanistica Live And Let Die At Jendarrus Shcm
Open Dog (7 entries)
- Reloch’s Ch/Ir/Lux Ch Revloch Zidane
- Westley & Grevetts Ch Becanbrie Rohan At Linvetts
- Knight’s Ch/Aust/Ch Ebontide Rikardo At Noirdael
- Knight’s Ch Ebontide Parisian Knight At Noirdael
- Smith’s Ch Lebeau Colour Of Dreams
Veteran Dog (5 entries)
- Harriman’s Ch Lebeau Look No Further
- Wilson & Malinowski’s Ch Ebontide Nexus For Lykos
- Staveley & Winfrow’s Delark Terms Of Endearment Of Belkaton
- Bird & Caden’s Ch Tanje Feels Like Heaven JW ShCM
- Wilcox,Penniston-Fleming & Morrison’s Xurits Deizel Of Ailort (Imp Swe)
Groenendael Bitches
Bitch CC: Lawless Mr P, Mrs J & Miss K, Revloch Bewitched
Reserve Bitch CC: Robinson & Goode Ms B & Mr T Xanova Mist Maiden
Best Puppy Bitch: Robinson & Goode Ms B & Mr T Xanova Mist Maiden
Best Veteran Bitch: Wilcox, Mrs C, Charbonny Dance Anthem
Minor Puppy Bitch (1 entry)
- Robinson & Goode’s Xanova Mist Maiden
Puppy Bitch (1 entry)
- Ormsby & Oatley’s Jetaime Delphe D’allure
Junior Bitch (4 entries)
- Robinson & Goode’s Xanova Black Velvet
- Isherwood’s Chrisvale Don’t Push It
- Brason’s Flambards Diva
- Metcalf & Willingham’s Revloch Bedazzled Belshedo
Special Yearling Bitch (3 entries)
- Lawless’ Revloch Bewitched
- Winfrow & Hodkinson’s Delark African Queen
- Metcalf & Willingham’s Revloch Bedazzled Belshedo
Post Graduate Bitch (3 entries, 2 absent)
- Macandie’s Dejavu De La Douce Plaine At Niavana
Limit Bitch (10 entries, 2 absent)
- Morris’ Lebeau Charmed With Cairbar
- Wilcox’s Ailort Iona’s Faith
- McNamara & Armstrong's Kehala Iced Tea (AI)
- Staveley, Wollands & Winfrow’s Delark Invitation Only
- Fowler& Mancey’s Xanova Angel Walker
Open Bitch (5 entries, 1 absent)
- Lawless’ Ch/Ir/Lux Ch Revloch X Factor
- Robinson & Goode’s Ch Xanova Femme Noir
- Isherwood’s Vanistica Xotic Dancer
- Ormsby’s Jenkova Un Vina Bueno Of Kelfyn
Veteran Bitch (6 entries, 4 absent)
- Wilcox’s Charbonny Dance Anthem
- Bird & Caden's Tanje Sensation In Black ShCM
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Judge: Mrs Patricia Gaffey
Best of Breed: Burke Mr J & Mrs T, Ch Tintigny Making Mayhem
Reserve Best of Breed: Macandie’s Ch Domburg Reve Enchantee At Niavana
Best Opposite Sex: Kelly & Macandie Mrs J, & Mrs J, Niavana Entrepreneur
Best Puppy in Breed: Pratten Dr KM Bergeau Kissed By A Star
Best Veteran in Breed: Burke Mr J & Mrs T, Ch Tintigny Making Mayhem
Best Breeder In Breed: No entries
Tervueren Dogs
Dog CC: Kelly & Macandie Mrs J, & Mrs J, Niavana Entrepreneur
Reserve Dog CC: Harriman Mrs J, Domburg Top That
Best Puppy Dog: Murtaugh Mr J, Bergeau Rock Star
Best Veteran Dog: Barker & Winfrow Mrs H & Mrs C, Delark Talkin About You
Minor Puppy Dog (2 entries, 2 absent)
Puppy Dog (1 entry)
- Murtaugh’s Bergeau Rock Star
Junior Dog (4 entries)
- Murtaugh’s Bergeau Rock Star
- Lloyd’s Belsharose Pure Gold
- Ralph’s Bonvivant Chiaroscuro
- Townsend’s Corsini Cognac
Special Yearling Dog (1 entry, 1 absent)
Post Graduate Dog (3 entries, 1 absent)
- Kelly & Macandie’s Niavana Entreprenuer
- Brown & Godfrey’s Sezanne Santos
Limit Dog (4 entries, 1 absent)
- Cooper’s Domburg Coldplay At Zantal
- Grimes’ Kvina’s Cruising The Stars To Everquest (Imp)
- Pavey’s Niavan Cognac
Open Dog (9 entries)
- Harriman’s Domburg Top That
- Burke's Ch Domburg Check Me Out At Tintigny
- McNamara & Mckay’s Ch Kehala Sandman
- Mcdonald’s Ch Corsini Valentino
- Mcdonald’s Ch Corsini Virtuoso
Veteran Dog (3 entries, 1 absent)
- Barker & Winfrow’s Delark Talkin Bout You
- Bird & Caden’s Domburg J’ai Une Reve ShCM
Tervueren Bitches
Bitch CC: Burke Mr J & Mrs T, Ch Tintigny Making Mayhem
Reserve Bitch CC: Macandie’s Ch Domburg Reve Enchantee At Niavana
Best Puppy Bitch: Pratten Dr KM Bergeau Kissed By A Star
Best Veteran Bitch: Burke Mr J & Mrs T, Ch Tintigny Making Mayhem
Minor Puppy Bitch (3 entries, 1 absent)
- Pratten’s Bergeau The Pumpkin Diamond
- Stanbridge’s Tervdale Good Luck Charm
Puppy Bitch (2 entries, 1 absent)
- Pratten’s Bergeau Kissed By A Star
Junior Bitch (5 entries, 1 absent)
- Lloyd’s Belsharose Fields Of Gold
Special Yearling Bitch (3 entries, 1 absent)
- Sowtus’ Hawksflight Made You Love Me
- Winfrow & Crawford’s Delark Stairway To Heven
Post Graduate Bitch (5 entries, 2 absent)
- Sowtus’ Hawksflight Made You Love Me
- Townsend’s Delark Wicky Woo
- Winfrow & Hodkinson’s Delark Wicked Witch With Terrgroen
Limit Bitch (8 entries, 3 absent)
- Gardiner’s Kehala Band Of Gold
- Brown & Godrey’s Sezanne Gucci At Kirstavin
- Pratten & Cumberland’s Bergeau Paint A Rainbow
- Lindsay’s Baudwin Firebird Of Fablehawk
- Stanbridge’s Tervdale Dark Fire Princess
Open Bitch (10 entries, 4 absent)
- Burke's Ch Tintigny Making Mayhem
- Macandie’s Ch Domburg Reve Enchantee At Niavana
- Hearson & Malinowski’s Ch Domburg Hot At The Top At Jumasue Jw
- Brown & Godfrey’s Sezanne Palomino
- Lloyd’s Corsini En Vogue At Belsharose
Veteran Bitch (1 entry)
- Donaldson's Fivannte Bonnie Dreamer ShCM
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Judge: Mrs Patricia Gaffey
Best of Breed: Brason Mrs Y J, Ch Camylle Des Iles Du Sud At Flambards
Reserve Best Of Breed: Lloyd Mr P & Mrs D, Ch Belsharose Nebraska
Best Opposite Sex: Lloyd Mr P & Mrs D, Ch Belsharose Nebraska
Best Puppy in Breed: Ralph Mrs J, Bonvivant Dynasty
Best Veteran in Breed: Lawless, Mr P & Mrs J, Nor/Dan/Dutch/Lux Ch Revloch O'Baoill
Best Breeder In Breed: No entries
Malinois Dogs
Dog CC: Lloyd Mr P & Mrs D, Ch Belsharose Nebraska
Reserve Dog CC: Holmes & Lawless Mr D & Mrs T J, Mr P & Mrs J, Revloch Yabba Dabba Doo
Best Puppy Dog: Holding Mrs, Bonvivant Djecko
Best Veteran Dog: Ralph & Donovan J E & TT, Ch Bonvivant Dewet
Puppy Dog (2 entries, 1 absent)
- Holding’s Bonvivant Djecko
Junior Dog (1 entry)
- Ralph’s Bonvivant Dynasty
Post Graduate Dog (1 entry)
- Hulbert’s Belsharose Colorado
Limit Dog (2 entries, 1 absent)
- Wilcox Quintdelta Yankie
Open Dog (4 entries)
- Lloyd’s Belsharose Nebraska
- Holmes & Lawless’ Revloch Yabba Dabba Doo
- Ralph’s Bonvivant Zippydedoodah
- Walker-Smith’s Bonvivant Saumur
Veteran Dog (2 entries)
- Ralph & Donovan’s Ch Bonvivant Dewet
- Neff’s Revloch O’Maille
Malinois Bitches
Bitch CC: Brason Mrs Y J Ch Camylle Des Iles Du Sud At Flambards
Reserve Bitch CC: Lawless Mr & Mrs Ch/Ir/Nor/Dan/Ned/Lux Ch Revloch O’Baoill
Best Puppy Bitch: No entries
Best Veteran Bitch: Lawless, Mr P & Mrs J, Nor/Dan/Dutch/Lux Ch Revloch O'Baoill
Puppy Bitch (1 enty, 1 absent)
Junior Bitch (0 entries)
Post Graduate Bitch (0 entries)
Limit Bitch (3 entries)
- Kirk’s Bonvivant Sorciere
- Lloyd & Reeves Belsharose Oaklahoma
- Ralph’s Bonvivant Yasmine At Delark
Open Bitch (2 entries)
- Brason’s Ch Camylle Des Iles Du Sud At Flambards
- Ralph’s Bonvivant Halsane
Veteran Bitch (2 entries)
- Lawless’ Ch/Ir/Nor/Dan/Ned/Lux Ch Revloch O’Baoill
- Brown’s Ch Bonvivant Coupe De Foudre Avec Zodantta ShCM Csau Ex-Tan
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Judge: Mr Benoit Thevenon
Best of Breed: Lloyd, Mr P & Mrs D, Ghiana D'Eroudur At Belsharose
Reserve Best of Breed: Lloyd, Mr P & Mrs D, Haramis D'Eroudur At Belsharose
Best Opposite Sex: Lloyd, Mr P & Mrs D, Haramis D'Eroudur At Belsharose
Best Puppy in Breed: No entries
Best Veteran in Breed: No entries
Best Breeder In Breed: No entries
Best Dog: Lloyd’s Haramis D’Eroudur At Belsharose
Reserve Best Dog: Brason’s Erkos De La Tangi Morgane At Flambards (Imp Fra)
Best Puppy Dog: No entries
Best Veteran Dog: No entries
Open Dog (1 entry)
- Lloyd’s Haramis D’Eroudur At Belsharose
- Brason’s Erkos De La Tangi Morgane At Flambards (Imp Fra)
Best Bitch: Lloyd’s Ghiana D’Eroudur At Belsharose (Imp Bel)
Reserve Best Bitch: Hughes Bonvivant Versace
Best Puppy Bitch: No entries
Best Veteran Bitch: No entries
Open Bitch (2 entries)
- Lloyd’s Ghiana D’Eroudur At Belsharose (Imp Bel)
- Hughes Bonvivant Versace
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Judge: Trevor Johnson
- Bonnie Wraight and Piper (Lebeau Love Charm With Denhalka)
- Valerie Neff and Revloch O'Maille
- Bonnie Wraight and Piper (Lebeau Love Charm With Denhalka)
Test A
- Valerie Neff and Revloch O'Maille
Junior handling
Judge: Mrs Bonnie Wraight
6 - 11 years and Best Junior Handler
- Owen Clark, Kehala Sweet Dream (Tervueren)
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